Privacy Policy

Oxford Energy Academy Limited is a skills training and assessment company. Our mission is to provide outstanding learning opportunties.

This privacy policy explains how we use the personal data we receive from people who express an interest in using our service.

What information do we collect about you?

We will collect the name and contact details of the person expressing an interest in our services. This information is normally provided by the person registering to receive information about our services. If you are expressing an interest in our services on behalf of someone else please make sure that they are aware of your intention to share their personal data and of this privacy notice. If you are expressing an interest in joining our partner network please make sure that the necessary parties are aware of this privacy notice.

What do we do with your personal data?

The information we gather (including individual contact data) is stored on secure servers in the UK and is only used to contact prospective participants or partners by phone, text or email in response to their referral interest in our services.

We do not use the information we are provided with for any other purpose and we will never sell it to anyone.

We will normally try to contact prospective customers a number of times and, if we are unable to do so or if an individual decides they are not interested in our services, their data will be deleted after 52 weeks.

If an individual does use one of our services as a partner or a participant additional personal data will be collected in accordance with the privacy policy relevant to that service, a copy of which will be supplied at the time of collection.

Data sharing and transfers

Your data is held securely in the UK and will not be transferred outside the European Economic Area.

Access to your information and correction

You have the right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you. If you would like a copy of some or all of your personal data please email us at:

We want to make sure that your information is accurate and up to date and are very happy to remove or amend any information that you think is inaccurate. You also have the right to request that we either delete or restrict our processing of your personal data. We will advise on the process on any such requests. You also have the right to lodge any complaint about the way in which we handle your data with the Office of the Information Commissioner.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We keep our privacy policy under regular review and we place any updates on this webpage. This policy was last updated on 17 February 2024.

How to contact us

Please contact us if you have any questions about our privacy policy or information we hold about you by email: or write to us at:

Data Protection Officer
Oxford Energy Academy Limited
2 Compton Way
OX28 3AB